Miscellaneous Monday…NEW stuff i gotta share


Happy Monday!

I’m loving the fall colors, the crisp autumn mornings, and simply the change of seasons! How about all of you? Are you loving it or dreading the coming winter?

Alright…on with the randomness:  I consider myself fairly musically literate.  But I recently read of Brentano – Beethoven’s “Immortal Beloved” and had to go do some research – because, who was this Brentano? I knew Beethoven never married.  Oh, Beethoven….I wonder how you like people (historians, researchers, nosey-know-it-alls) combing through anything you ever touched, trying to speculate your every intention!

So, do you know what I like to do when I have ordinary/humdrum/boring duties to get done….like house cleaning?  I like to try NEW methods to get those duties done.  Pinterest and YouTube are so kind!…they give me all sorts of NEW ideas to try.  I sprinkled baking soda on my carpet before I vacuumed today (because of THIS video).  I’m not sure if my furniture was really dusty, or if some of the baking soda drifted as I sprinkled.  But if you try this, be sure to vacuum first, dust second!  I tried adding essential oil to my steam mopper to see if my house smelled amazing when I was done (because of THIS video).  It probably did, but silly me, I had candles burning at the same time.  Hmmm..I guess the jury is still out on that one.  And lastly, instead of using a small hand-held scrubber on my shower, I used my sponge mop with attached scrubber (it’s typically meant only for floors I believe). It worked SO GREAT!  And guess what?  I came up with that brilliant idea all on my own. Well, at least I think I did. :)…I haven’t heard of others doing that, haha!

And lastly, here’s what I I’ve been listening to on my commutes lately:


I listened to the audiobook. Excellent voice (whoever the reader was). I found myself just sitting in my car after arriving at my destination so i could find out what happened next. Other than the numerous F-words, it was a good book. It made me think of my relationships. Usually we think people become better people as they get older and more mature, but this book really questions that assumption. It made me think. If I would have read the actual book, I think it would have been a real page-turner.

I guess that’s it for this Miscellaneous Monday.  Have a terrific day and do or learn something NEW!





a NEW photo of my week and a short Sunday sermon


Happy Sunday!  I wanted to wait until closer to the 4th of July to post this red, white and blue photo, but…well, I just couldn’t wait. :o)

And…here’s a great quote and message for today’s short Sunday sermon by President Thomas S. Monson:

“In the search for our best selves, several questions will guide our thinking: Am I what I want to be? Am I closer to the Savior today than I was yesterday? Will I be closer yet tomorrow? Do I have the courage to change for the better?”

All good questions to ask ourselves regularly.

Have a great day. Learn or do something NEW!



NEW tree decor

It seems that for the last 99 years (or at least 9) I’ve been saying “Next year I’m getting NEW tree ornaments”!  Seriously!  Each year the Christmas season seemed to come and go too quickly and it never happened.  Yet, this year it happened!  I’m soooo thrilled! Yeah! NEW tree and ornaments!  Woohoo!  Merry Christmas!