NEW neighbors and a NEW recipe


Happy Wednesday!

Can you tell I’ve been in the kitchen lately?  I tried a NEW brownie recipe – Pioneer Womans’ “Knock You Naked Brownies”.  I’m not sure what that really means, but if it means they are very scrumptious – well, I agree.  :o)  And we’ve had a few NEW neighbors move into the area lately, so I finally made up three of these cookie platters and knocked off all three welcoming duties off my to-do list all in one day.


It seems like the theme of this post is knock or knocking, so I guess I should ask you a few knock knock jokes…

Knock knock.

Who’s there?


Cash who?

No thanks, I’ll have some peanuts.

Knock knock.

Who’s there?


Voodoo who?

Voodoo you think you are, asking me so many questions?

Knock knock.

Who’s there?


Thermos who?

Thermos be a better way to get through to you.


Have a great day! Do, learn or bake something NEW…OR, send me some NEW jokes! Apparently I need some!  :o)



a NEW recipe and a NEW baking technique


Happy Friday!

So I baked a cake – and it wasn’t even a family member’s birthday! Yes, that is highly unusual!!!  I was so inspired by Jodi’s cake at the creative life in between – {You’ve got to go see! It was SO, SO beautiful!} It was a Lemon Blueberry Zucchini Cake and I just had to make one for my people.  I had three really large zucchinis on my counter, just waiting for my attention, so Jodi’s posting of this recipe was perfect timing. I only wish I could have copied her squash blossom garnish, but no blossoms were to be found in my garden (bummer!).

AND…I tried a NEW baking technique. I’ve been wanting to try out cake strips for a while. I didn’t even know about cake strips until recently. How many of you knew about these? (Have I been living in a cave??!??)

These are cake strips – they are supposed to make your cakes more moist and level:


Since I wanted to try this technique out before purchasing a set, I used the DIY tinfoil/wet paper towel version this time:


I learned how to do the DIY version here:


Thanks to Jodi for the inspiration (I get tons from her site!). Now to go eat some more Lemon Blueberry Zucchini yumminess.  Have a great day.  Do or learn or bake something NEW!


Miscellaneous Monday…NEW stuff i gotta share


Happy Monday!

It’s been a while since I’ve randomly rambled off some miscellany on a Monday, so here’s what’s up:

I rented the macro lens from the library again, and this little bee posed for me this morning.  A macro lens for my Nikon is definitely going on my Christmas wish list!

I’m loving a gardening YouTube channel called Garden Answer.  This YouTuber is knowledgeable without being overly talkative (aka wasting my viewing time with a surfeit of blah blah blah). Laura just comes across very “real” – very genuine. She’s a sweet young gardener who has worked at her parent’s nursery for a lot of years and has picked up a lot of knowledge that she shares with her viewers. I like her a lot.

I sometimes listen to Gretchen Rubin’s podcast on my way to work.  I had to laugh at a recent episode, when Gretchen challenged her listeners to make something that they’d normally buy. I laughed because if my family would have been listening with me, they would have yelled “Don’t encourage her!!!”  I have family members that tease me about trying to DIY a lot more things than I probably should. Doing a lot of DIYs means having my fair share of FAILS – thus the teasing! Ultimately, I’m just a cheapskate and know I can make most things for a lot less than I can buy them.  The trick is balancing  time expended with how much you actually save, right? I enjoy this podcast and wish Gretchen would record more than one episode a week, but oh well – I’d probably get behind if they did.

I made this really, REALLY easy cookie recipe call Oreo Pan Sugar Cookies,  Did I mention they were quick and EASY to make? I took the entire batch to work on a day I only worked a couple of hours, so I’ll have to ask around and see how everyone liked them. Personally, they were a bit too sweet for me, but then when has “sweet” been a terrible thing? I have a son who loves Oreos, so I’ll have to make these again and get his review.

Lastly, we’ll be renting a camping trailer later this summer and camping at a lake, so I need to get to get planning.  I need fun activity ideas, good, but quick meal ideas, and generally NEW fun family together time ideas.  If any of you have some good ones for me, please chime in!

Have a fabulous Monday.  Do or learn something NEW!



NEW taste Tuesday


Happy Tuesday!

One thing I love about having a blog, is when someone requests a recipe, I know exactly where to go to get it.  I simply send them a link to my site and they have what they need. Happy day!

So, I thought I’d better add this cake to my recipe section because I will most likely need it again.  It was super yummy.  I made this for my DIL’s bday last weekend.  I also need to remember how easy (well, easier) decorating cakes are when you plan ahead and bake the actual cake the day before.  That way, you don’t have to wait for it to cool, and you’re not rushed (well, as rushed)!

I used THIS recipe, with a few minor tweaks.  Have a great day and do or taste something NEW!


a NEW taste Tuesday


Happy Tuesday! So, although these biscuits I made recently were pretty scrumptious, I want to try these NEW variations soon:

BLT Biscuits (Bacon, Lettuce and Toms are one of my favorite flavor combos!)

Cheddar Bay Biscuits (yummy!)

and for my sweet tooth, Blueberry Buttermilk Biscuits with Vanilla Buttercream Frosting.

I’ll be sure and review these recipes when I have a chance to try them.  Have a great day!  Do or bake something NEW.

a NEW taste Tuesday

smores crack candyfr

Happy Tuesday!  You know, it seems like every time I need to take a treat to an event or activity, my day is just booked solid. Meaning I have to choose really quick and easy recipes to try! (I could just go buy store-bought cookies or something, but ewww! :o)

Anyway…this S’mores Crack Candy recipe is very quick and very easy and EXTREMELY sweet!!! Don’t say I didn’t warn ya! I got the recipe HERE.  Truly, more elaborate desserts are on my culinary bucket list:  Baked Alaska, Baked Brie, etc.  And one day I’ll have an entire day with nothing to do – an empty schedule – free time to do as I please – a day to experiment with elaborate dessert making.  Hmmm…am I dreaming, or what?

Have a great day!  Learn or bake something NEW!

a NEW taste Tuesday!


Happy Tuesday!  Here’s a recipe I tried from a NEW cookbook that hubby brought home from work. All the recipes are ‘healthy’ recipes in this book, so I thought I’d try them all out.  For these Crustless Mini Quiches, I used my no-stick silicon baking cups.  I’m not sure they browned up as nicely as they would have if I hadn’t have used them, but they tasted fine.  I’m keeping a few of these in the freezer so I can pop one or two quickly in the microwave on busy mornings.

Son #3 also recently gave me a NEW cookbook that he got from work.  What is going on here anyway? I have more NEW recipes than I can try in a lifetime…but it’ll be fun to do what I can.  I’m hoping for some “keepers”! Here’s the recipe for Mini Quiche:


Have a great day! Do or bake something NEW!

Miscellaneous Monday…NEW stuff i gotta share


Happy Monday!  This will be a quick post with a couple of miscellaneous NEW things I’ve noticed lately…then on to tackle the very long to-do list!  You understand, right?!?

1)  I have never heard of BeeSting cake.  Have you???  I first learned about it HERE, and HERE’s the recipe.

2) I’ve never heard of Sprite before (other than the soft drink). Apparently, it is something in the night sky that looks like a gigantic, glowing jellyfish many times the size of Mount Everest.

That’s it…that’s all for today.  Have a perfect day and do or learn something NEW!


a NEW famous recipe


Happy Friday!  OK, I have to say I’m thrilled to finally have a brownie recipe that turns out pretty much PERFECT My other brownie recipes seem too gooey in the middle, but not these.  Hallelujah!  Plus, its great that this recipe makes such a big batch (I made the baker’s half sheet size)…I was able to take a plate of brownies to three different neighbors and still have plenty for my family.  Awesome!  I think I’ll make another batch before St Patrick’s Day.  I found the recipe HERE.

Have a great day!  Learn or Do…or bake something NEW!