a NEW thought Thursday


Happy Thursday! I love this quote because it is so true.  I know some people who are just naturally considerate.  They notice things about people.  They naturally go out of their way to be considerate and kind.  I want to be more like them! Sadly, I tend to live in my small, busy little world and go about my own business. I wish I had the natural talent of being a noticer…a thoughtful observer…a naturally considerate human being. Although it doesn’t come naturally, I’m going to work at being such a person. Perhaps eventually it may become second nature!

Have a great day!  Go and notice something or someone NEW!

NEW photos of my week #30


Hi all! As you can see, on this photo-walk, I shot anything and everything that was yellow.  I highly recommend taking a leisurely walk and focusing on one primary color to photograph.  When I do this, I seem to see things I wouldn’t notice otherwise, and I like the cool captures I get.  Try something NEW this week!

Linking to:

Little Red House Mosaic Monday